onsdag 7 mars 2018

Serendipity Blog Hop - March no 1

There is a Blog Hop going on at  Serendipity Stamps blog!

If you visit the designers you find there, be sure to leave comments! Mary will pick one comment from the blogs to win a $20 gift certificate to use at www.serendipitystamps.com

I´m sooo tired of the winter, longing for spring and summer.... My card is made with a beautiful stamp from Serendipity Stamps!

Here you can see two photos taken outside my door today.....do you understand why I want to create spring cards?


2 kommentarer:

  1. We had quite a lot of snow ourselves last week which is quite unusual for us, but luckily it has warmed up now and the snow here in the South West of England has nearly gone, but I can understand why towards the end of the Winter you long for Spring Birgit. Your card is full of lots of light and pretty colours and I think those touches of red could be poppies. This stamp is very versatile, and you have changed it beautifully to suit a different season. x

  2. Ser ut som en plats vi bruka stanna vid uppe i Mora.
    Harliga minnen. Har haft mycket sno i UK med men nu
    regnar det. Hoppas pa varen snart. Fint kort x
