lördag 31 mars 2018


Today I made a card with spring theme...I think you understand why...:)

I used the sweet leave die from Penny Black


8 kommentarer:

  1. Questo biglietto e' MERAVIGLIOSO...complimenti sinceri...buona giornata Ada

  2. Oh, my! I guess you do wish for Spring! I hope you see green soon. Love the card!

  3. Oh dear Birgit, I thought our weather was bad at the moment, but we don't have snow like this although it has been very cold, and we do at least have some green shoots appearing now. I love your birch tree with the beautiful green leaves, so hopefully your snow will go and the green shoots will appear quite soon. x

  4. Fresh new green Spring leaves for your beautiful die cut and your birch trees. It looks like it will be awhile before Spring is in the air for you in Sweden. Think Spring and make more of your beautiful cards..hopefully that will help. TFS Birgit. Hugs..

  5. Väldigt fint kort med min favorit av alla traden.
    Min bror som bor norr upp i Sverige har också mycket
    sno dar han bor sa varen tar en stund till att komma.
    Har i UK borjar det bli gront, med mycket regn naturligtvis.
    Maria x

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