torsdag 19 juli 2018

CAS Colours & Sketches #281

My card for the challenge at CAS Colours & Sketches!

I think it is so hard to use pastel colours...but I have tried!

Used  these products from Penny Black


8 kommentarer:

  1. Very pretty and summery looking Birgit and you have followed the colour theme beautifully with your sweet butterfly and what looks like cherry blossom on the branch, and I love the background with the bit of script too. x

  2. Gorgeous!! Love the way you have combined the colours.

  3. Such a pretty was to use the challenge colours. Thank you for joining us for this week's CC&S challenge.

  4. Beautiful card! What 2 stitched dies did you use

  5. The softly blended colors give your card a wonderful peaceful, dreamy feel. Thanks so much for making CC&S part of your crafting time! :)

  6. Love how you used the colors! The collage of elements is wonderfully! Thanks for joining us at CC&S!

  7. Just gorgeous! Your use of watecolor is spectacular - love this card. Thanks for joining us at CC&S this week.
