onsdag 4 juli 2018

Serendipity Stamps Blog Hop no 1 July

A new Blog Hop going on at

 Serendipity Stamps blog

If you visit the designers you find there, be sure to leave comments! Mary will pick one comment from the blogs to win a $20 gift certificate to use at www.serendipitystamps.com

My card is made with the  beautiful stamps from Serendipity Stamps!


2 kommentarer:

  1. I so agree with your sentiment, Birgit. We are lucky enough to live in the country on 35 acres. 30 acres of old growth forest and 5 acres of home site, gardens and fields. All that for 46 years:-) I Love your beautifully colored farm. TFS Hugs...

  2. Love this, Birgit! The heart is perfect for this lovely scene!
