torsdag 16 augusti 2018

CAS Colours & Sketches #285

My card for the sketch at CAS Colours & Sketches this week.

I made it simple by paint some waterdrops by hand and added a word from Happy Snippets stamp set.


9 kommentarer:

  1. What an amazing way to use the sketch. This is beautiful and so powerful, Jo x

  2. Beautifully painted water drops Birgit, and a great interpretation of the sketch too. x

  3. Another amazing art of painting, Birgit! Your work always makes me wow~ wow~ wow~! Thanks for playing along with us at CAS Colours & Sketches. Please be with us again! Hugs x

  4. I've got to say "wow" again! When I received the email on your blog post, at first glance I was positive those water dots were liquid drops. Amazing.

  5. What a fabulous take on the sketch, thanks for playing along with us at CC&S.

  6. Oh my gosh, this is gorgeous! Your watercoloring is amazing - those water drops are captivating! Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  7. simply stunning, such a beautiful CAS image, I love the waterdroplets :)

  8. Birgit, the water drops look so realistic against that lovely blended background! Thanks for sharing your awesome card with us at CC&S!

  9. Wow! Your watercolour drops are so realistic and your colouring is awesome. Wonderful take on the sketch and delight to visit your blog. Thanks for joining in on the fun at CC&S. Hugs Bev x
