onsdag 17 oktober 2018

Color Throwdown challenge #515

I have the honor to be Guest Designer for the challenges at
The Color Throwdown challenge in October! Thanks!

This third week the challenge is to use this color combo 
Green, kraft and white

I used these stamps from Penny Black
Window die from Memory Box


7 kommentarer:

  1. What a gorgeous wintry scene through the beautiful die cut window...absolutely perfect Birgit! x

  2. I love this card design very much. That deer looks adorable.
    Jui Positive Cookies

  3. Once again your talent amazes me. I have bookmarked your blog. Normally I like to follow people I might be able to copy; it is not possible for me to copy your artwork but I just want to look at your beautiful creations.

  4. I love this peaceful, snowy scene, Birgit!

  5. What a gorgeous winter scene!!
