onsdag 3 oktober 2018

Serendipity Stamps Blog Hop October #1

A new Blog Hop is going on at

 Serendipity Stamps blog

If you visit the designers you find there, be sure to leave comments! Mary will pick one comment from the blogs to win a $20 gift certificate to use at www.serendipitystamps.com

My card done with one of my favorite stamps from Serendipity Stamps!

Winter Homestead


4 kommentarer:

  1. one of my favorite serendipity stamps Birgit, I love the dark sky against your houses. amazing watercolouring.

  2. You use this stamp so well, Birgit! Another gorgeous mini masterpiece!

  3. I love how you convert Serendipity's winter images to suit any season! And here you've created that first Autumn snowfall - the leaves are still green but there is snow on the ground. You are amazing Birgit!
