lördag 23 februari 2019

CAS Colours & Sketches #309

My card for the challenge at CAS Colours & Sketches this week!

I used this beautiful Tulip stamp from Penny Black


5 kommentarer:

  1. I thought I had already commented on this or something very similar yesterday because I loved the split frame with the tulips spilling out from it. They are beautiful Birgit and love the colour, the yellow goes perfectly with the green background. x

  2. How beautiful, the tulips are stepping out of the frame, wonderful :)

  3. Gorgeous! Love the break in the frame to allow the flowers to spill out. Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  4. Gorgeous card, those tulips are lovely in this week's colors. Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S.

  5. This is beautiful! Love your coloring on the tulips! Thanks for joining us at CC&S!
