lördag 2 mars 2019

CAS Watercolour March Challenge

I have the honor to be guest designer for the 
CAS Watercolour Challenge in March! Thanks!

I used these stamps from Penny Black and used water colours on vellum.

Thanks for your visit!

13 kommentarer:

  1. Beautiful tulips, Birgit! I love how they fade of to a dreamy look behind the vibrant flowers! Lovely, as always! Thanks so much for being one of our Guest Designers this month!

  2. wonderful effect with the velum, love the colours of your tulips:)

  3. Such a stunning effect and love the delicacy of the vellum. One very beautiful card with a great layout x.

  4. A fabulous design Birgit with the tulips beautifully coloured on the vellum, but with the more dreamy look of those showing through from behind. I adore the colours and the aperture shape too. x

  5. Beautiful tulips and the double look of them is gorgeous. I like the framing of them too. Very soft look.

  6. Your card is absolutely BEAUTIFUL Birgit! LOVE the effect of having some of the tulips up front and others behind...simply STUNNING card! Thanks so much for joining along with us as a GD this month!! :0)

  7. Congrats on being the GD at CAS Watercolour this month, Birgit! Love the beautiful tulips on vellum with the shadow effect!
    Hideko xx

  8. What absolutely beautiful tulips! Love the way there are the paler tulips behind the ones on the vellum. Thanks so much for being our Guest Designer at CAS Watercolour this month!

  9. Absolutely gorgeous! I have been meaning to try that layered look and you've inspired me! Thanks for being a fabulous GD this month:)

  10. So beautiful Brigit...glad you could be our GD this month.
    x Karen

  11. Beautiful watercoloured tulips, Birgit. Wonderful design with the softer tulips in the background to create to much depth. Thanks for being our Guest Designer this month at CAS Watercolour! xx
