torsdag 19 september 2019

CAS Colours & Sketches #339

My card for the color challenge at CAS Colours& Sketches

I used this lovely stamp from Penny Black


5 kommentarer:

  1. A really beautiful dimensional star Birgit and I love the berries in that dark blue which contrast so well with the orange star, and lovely to have a base stamp of the berries which peek out at the top and bottom, and the sentiment following one of the arms of the star...a great touch. x

  2. Beautiful card! Great use of this week’s colors. Thanks for joining us this week at CC&S!

  3. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  4. Wonderful card! Great job with the colors. Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  5. So beautiful card, Birgit. The branch bearing clumps of berries looks very good! And I love the dimension of the focal point in this card. It's stunning. Thank you for playing along with CC&S challenge again.
