måndag 30 december 2019

Christmas is over

My children and grandchildren have left my house and it is so empty and quiet...Children make a home vivid ..comfort me with making a card with my new stamps from Penny Black!

Bear-y much

Product #30-657

Only you

Product #30-666


4 kommentarer:

  1. This bear is so cute and love the glossy hearts too Birgit. It always falls flat after all the visitors have gone, and not just at Christmas, but it is also good to have the time to get back to creating too. I have missed your gorgeous cards and hope you had a wonderful Christmas and my very best wishes for the new year. x

  2. After all the festivities and company of Christmas, it is a let down. What better way to feel better than to play with this adorable stamp! I'm looking forward to your inspiration in the New Year, Birgit! May it be a year of good health and creativity!

  3. The cutest bear card Birgit, family is the best at Christmas time, watching the little ones brings so much joy and happiness, they're so excited.... and Happy New Year -- with more creative cards in 2020 Robyn

  4. Gott Nytt Ar Birgit.
    Ja, det kanns lite flat nar jul ar over men hoppas
    mr Mojo kommer att vara runt sa vi kan se vad du gor
    i det nya aret. Alskar att se dina underbara kort.
    Ta vara pa dig, Maria
