torsdag 1 februari 2018

CAS Colours & Sketches #257

Here´s my card for the double challenge at 

I used these from Penny Black

Outside my door this morning....blowing and snowing!


11 kommentarer:

  1. Wow, that's what you call snow Birgit. Over here several inches and everything comes to a I love the prettily watercoloured heart and roses over the frame and the partially embossed piece behind the frame works beautifully. Such a clever design and great for the challenge. x

  2. that was one big snow dump :)
    such a pretty die cut and always amazing colouring. You are inspiring me to pull out my dies :)

  3. Gorgeous watercolored roses and background for your beautiful heart. I hope your creating inside your warm world made the outside seem like a different world...brrrrr!

    TFS your beautiful card and your snow:-) Hugs...stay warm.

  4. your card is lovely but wow that snow .......... Keep warm and safe

  5. What a beautiful card and design!!! I love seeing your snow...haven't seen wonderful snow drifts since I lived on the East Coast (Virginia). TFS.♥

  6. Your roses look so warm and pretty! Outside looks cold and deep! Wow!

  7. Your card is gorgeous! Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S. and YIKES that is a lot of snow.

  8. That snow picture has me shivering! Thankfully your card is warm and beautiful! Great use of the double challenge! Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  9. Gorgeous card as usual! Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S, hope we can see you soon.

  10. Beautiful use of the double challenge. Thanks for sharing with us at CC&S!

  11. What a beautiful card and inspiring use of The Double challenge, love it! LOVE your snow photo too, I wish we had snow like that! Thanks for joining in on the fun at CC&S. Hugs Bev x
