fredag 2 februari 2018

CAS-ual Fridays #192

My card for the challenge at CAS-ual Fridays blog this week!

I used watercolors and stamps from Penny Black


7 kommentarer:

  1. Love this card for the color and design. Very nice!

  2. The red shiny hearts look fabulous on the pretty watercoloured and stamped background Birgit, and I love the way you have done some second generation stamping which flows on to the biggest heart. So cleverly done!

  3. Gorgeous, Birgit! I love how you've stamped on the watercolor hearts too!

  4. I love how your dark to light colors make your eye and card images flow from left to right. Beautiful rich and neutral colors and stamping, Birgit. TFS your gorgeous hearts card. Hugs..

  5. Beautiful card! Love the colors and texture. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Casual Fridays!
