torsdag 15 mars 2018

Casing myself

Pinterest is full of my cards...some has been pinned several hundreds of times..and used in many today I case myself! 😂I placed my watermark in the middle so they don´t can retouch it away and use it as if they did it themselves!

I changed colors and flowers.
This time I used these from Penny Black


6 kommentarer:

  1. This is so bright and pretty Birgit, and I love the gentle stamping in the background with the curved die which looks great, and your partial colouring is so appealing. You are so clever at colouring a die to make it seem like a stamp, and this poppy is a beauty. x

  2. I am a huge fan of your work and have pinned many many of your creations. But I would never claim them as my own. I do admit I use them as references because they are so beautiful. I hope no one steals what you have made.

  3. This is GORGEOUS!!! I can't believe someone would be so brash to steal your work!!!! As inspiration is one thing, and believe me your work IS INSPIRING, but to copy your PHOTO and claim it as their own is being a THIEF!!! Sooooo sad! Glad you are putting your name in your PHOTO so this cannot happen to you again! I sooooo enjoy getting your blog - thank you for sharing your inspiration with us!
    Paper Hugs,

  4. Encore une magnifique carte avec ma fleur préférée. j'ai épinglé beaucoup de vos cartes car j'admire votre talent, mais j'en suis loin et jamais je n'oserai m'attribuer une de vos cartes. Je comprends votre colère, et vous faites bien de filigraner vos créations. Je vous remercie de partager vos créations qui sont inspirantes, votre style est unique, c'est vrai que l'on reconnait immédiatement la créatrice. Bien cordialement,
    Nicky from France

  5. Absolutely Stunning my friend. Your watermark does not take away from the beauty of your watercolored die cut poppies. Thank you so much for sharing, Birgit. Hugs...

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