tisdag 13 mars 2018

Technique Tuseday - Cherry Blossom

My card with Technique Tuesday´s March flower in

I also used the word die from this new set


5 kommentarer:

  1. These cherry blossom blooms on a branch are wonderful Birgit and adore your colouring of them, and also love the way you have die cut but there is a soft shadow of them in the background. x

  2. So beautiful, Birgit! Love the soft stamping and watercolor in the background and the beautiful did cuts!

  3. Cherry blossoms my favorite, so pretty, love the monochromatic colour scheme

  4. All of your cards are beautiful, but this one is really, really special.

    Jan D., FL, USA

  5. This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
    I just noticed you have a comment option attached - have always wanted to tell you what an inspiration you are!!! WOOHOO - now I can do that!
    Thank you so much for sharing your work!!!
    Paper Hugs,
